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Establish Your Spiritual Sovereignty

Establish safety within your own heart , conquer all false selves and lift all veils. You are sovereign. You are everything you are seeking and everything you see in nature, in others and deem miraculous. It is a reminder and a mirror for you. It is not separate from you.

Seek to learn yes, but once you have learnt, crush it all in an instant. Do not rest in knowledge. Knowledge is an illusion. There is nothing to know. If you meditate on that long enough you may go mad. Lose your mind. Would u dare? This is the ultimate liberation. But it is hot to touch. It is fire.

Follow nobody and nothing. If anybody seeks your following, know them as a being without a kingdom. Those who are sovereign are in need of nothing and nobody. Be mindful of teachers, gurus and any human or spirit entity that does not immediately point you back to yourself and your heart- however hard it is, the answers and the path are within you.

Your work is to keep discovering you. Your work is to keep finding yourself ever deeper, and to allow yourself to dissolve everything and become nothing. Then you will know you are both the Creator and the Created.

Anything that does not lead you here directly is a game. Whoever does not gently whisper to your soul, “it is you” over and over again, who doesn’t not encourage you to seek and embody your truth, who turns your gaze outward to the external world or to another human being is merely playing. Playing is confusion of the mind. Confusion of the mind is an inaccessible heart. A heart that is not easily accessible is not safe for you to rest in. Remember that. When people play, they create entanglements in your energy field. It will happen in a moment but it will take you months or years or lifetimes to recognise it.

When you follow people who play, you give away your power. You say, “I am not strong enough to be sovereign, I need a leader because I am confused, I am not ready yet to enter the kingdom of my own heart”. This is the voice of a young / troubled soul.

Do not believe what u do not feel. If it doesn’t feel right trust yourself first. Ask. Question. You are allowed to be curious and careful. A pure healer will be frank, transparent and open about what they see. There is no veil hiding anything. You can become free very quickly (if u want to) when you work with someone who is clear.

Trust your heart your body and your gut. If they claim ways that they do not make transparent or are not willing to slowly teach you for yourself, so that u can discover your own inner alchemist, they are playing.

There is the void- nothing, unknowable nothingness, empty vacuum. And then there is the dance of everything else. This is a dance of frequency of light. You choose the frequency you dance with. Every day, in every breath you get to choose. It is not chosen for you. It is shown to you. There is a difference. You can heal all when you are willing to see all.

When it comes to worship. Worship ALL. Worship NONE. If you are as we mostly are, in between - worship the dark within you, honour it until it is revived and it begins to dance in your own love and illumination. Then don’t forget to worship the light within, for like any fractal it opens immediately and bursts into more light. This human is a light house and an ocean and a boat and a sailor and a crab. At the same time. When you can be all you will discover it is entirely meaningful and equally meaningless. Then you will discover a dedication towards annihilation that will reveal eternity.

This is a dance of frequency of light. You choose the frequency you dance with. This becomes identity. When you can be all you will discover it is entirely meaningful and equally meaningless. Then you will discover a dedication towards annihilation that will reveal eternity.

This journey never ends. Buckle up. Get involved. Become deeply involved with your own state of feeling. The constellation of feeling is a guide towards whatever you seek. Feeling does not lie. It does not explain itself. It is felt. Feeling is knowing. Feel it all. Feel it appear and feel it disappear. And then recognise in your sovereign heart that you are the magic and the magician. You are the creator and the created. Remember, forget. Rinse and repeat. You’ve done this for billions of years maybe more, in various forms. And notice how, it still doesn’t ever get boring. That is the genius of God consciousness.

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