Scientists in the field of regenerative medicine are still exploring the molecular mechanisms responsible for activating regenerative stem cells. Despite ongoing research, the factors that govern these processes remain largely mysterious. Some wonder if patients can harness the power of their spirit to aid in their own healing. Others question the role of belief in the healing process. Ancient indigenous cultures viewed healing as a holistic experience that integrated the mind, body, and spirit. This perspective led to the development of sacred rituals and prayer designed to connect humans with their spiritual essence. For me, healing is a transformative practice that involves the consistent transmutation of negativity into positivity, stagnation into movement, and stuckness into flow. In the UK, 93% of patients who receive spiritual and energy healing report immediate improvements in both their physical and mental health (Rahtz et al 2019).
Stress and Trauma Affect the Body and Mind Across Generations

Dispenza states that ‘stress is one of the biggest causes of epigenetic change’ (Dispenza, 2015) and research in the field of psychoneuroendocrinology describes how belief systems, trauma and stress are unconsciously embodied from one generation to the next.
Transgenerational trauma and illness can alter the functioning of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Axis (HPA-Axis) and affect cortisol levels and homeostasis. If adverse conditions are sustained, epigenetic alteration is possible (Valsamakis et al, 2019, Radtke et al, 2011, Kundakovic & Jaric, 2017).
Furthermore, this can affect up to three subsequent generations (Seckl et al, 2000, Barel et al, 2010).
What this means is, you are genetically vulnerable to the traumas that your great grandparents did not resolve within themselves.
What is The Role of Belief When It Comes to Healing?
Do you need to believe in order to heal? If so, what do you need to believe in? The bridge between quantum phenomena, physical healing of the body and spiritual practice is frequently cited as the somewhat elusive notion of belief (Watson et al, 1996, Braden, 2008, Eves, 2020, Dein, 2020, Braden, 2008).
Some studies show that belief plays a crucial role in determining the outcome of healing (Verhoef, 2005, Wirth, 1995, Lyvers et al 2006, Kumar et al 2019).
But what exactly is belief?
Beliefs are internally held truths that we often do not question. They relate to ourselves and also the world around us. They are reinforced by the experiences we have and the inputs we receive from our environment. They can also be influenced by past lives and karmic cycles (Brady, 2001).
Beliefs that we hold about ourselves and our capacity to heal are both conscious and unconscious. At a quantum level, they vibrate even if we don't immediately and directly see it. Beliefs are said to ‘ripple through the quantum fabric of the universe’ (Braden, 2008). Our brains are sensitive to quantum field fluctuations due to the presence of microtubules in our neurons. You can read more about that in my blog post here. If our brains and consequently our nervous system and physical body are being influenced by subtle fluctuations in the quantum realm, including our own belief systems, the key question is do we need to believe in healing in order to heal?
Healing Transformations Where Clients Did Not Believe in The Power of Energy Healing
There's great variation when it comes to belief. Some people have unwavering conviction that they can heal. Some believe it's all quackery. Some have direct experience of healing first hand and some people try lots of things to heal but still don't.
Below are some of my client testimonials that demonstrate the importance of direct experience when it comes to belief in healing. They also show that even when people are skeptical or have no idea about healing, that is is possible.
Personally I do not believe that there is a substitute for direct experience and embodiment. Theoretical knowledge and ideas is not enough to heal.

I believe that sincere curiosity and openness to feeling is a powerful pre requisite to healing.
As you can see below, some of my clients experienced initial skepticism, lack of belief, and uncertainty about their healing potential. Despite this, they still experienced healing. This suggests that belief on it's own does not determine the outcome of healing but can influence it.

Exploring the Relationship Between Belief, Self-Empowerment, and Healing
Belief is often used as a proxy for measuring depth of consciousness, but it's not a perfect indicator. True depth of consciousness is difficult to measure on a self-reporting survey and is actually an embodied state of continuous self-knowledge and self-empowerment.
This state is influenced by direct experiences of wholeness, which integrate the body, mind, and spirit, and lead to spiritual intelligence and subtle energetic sensitivity. This state allows for the harnessing of frequency in healing processes, both for the self and others.
The practitioner's state of consciousness and frequency of embodied light are just as important as the therapeutic relationship in achieving healing outcomes. In my own practice, I've noticed that deepening one's spirit and self alters the vibrational quality of light and allows for more information to be perceived, resulting in a more profound and transformative healing process. The use of plant medicines and other spiritual tools is often employed to access higher frequencies, but the true alchemy lies in consistently sustaining this vibrational state.
The Potency of Embodied Light

Various spiritual traditions and figures have spoken of the importance of light, such as Einstein's quote "Everything is light, in different degrees of concentration," Yeshua's statement "I have come as a light into the world," and the Quran's mention of Allah (swt) as the light of the heavens and the earth. The idea that humans possess their own inner light is also reflected in the Bible and the Chandogya Upanishad.
The significance light in both science and spirituality highlights its importance in healing and consciousness expansion. The more we heal the shadow parts of ourselves (the beliefs that vibrate in the unconscious or the darkness) the more light we are able to embody. The deeper we embody our light, the more life force potency we get access to. As we continue to heal and harness spiritual practices, the frequency of this light becomes elevated. At higher thresholds it also becomes more stable. This results in a capacity to transmute density to light - which is the process of energy healing. The healers field must hold high frequency and stable light, such that any density that arises from the client's unconscious can rapidly be illuminated and transmuted.
Achieving higher frequency light requires a deep understanding of oneself through purification and shadow work, which requires spiritual strength and consistent practice. This process increases the likelihood of profound healing outcomes by stabilizing the frequency of light and minimizing variance, ultimately dissolving all density. Light is the deepest reality, manifesting within us and throughout the universe.
When working with a healer who has extensively purified their energy system and transmuted density to light, the light is stable at high frequencies, and there is less variance, disturbance, and refraction. Refraction is the phenomenon of light being deflected as it passes obliquely through mediums of varying density. A consistent and powerful healing space can be created through a healer's stable and high-frequency light.
This is also explained by quantum physics:
Quantum light is characterized by distinctive statistical distributions
Lower variance, disturbance and refraction = higher frequency light
As the frequency of light reaches higher thresholds, it becomes more stable
As a result, light can penetrate physical tissue without becoming distorted
Embodying higher frequencies of light allows us to see more clearly. Our gaze becomes sharper and more purified, such that we can see others and ourselves at a deeper level. This includes the ability to see and feel various fields - the personal energy body, the ancestral field and the wider cosmic field. The quality and depth of our gaze is something that I have come to experience, directly influences the field by enabling the transmission of more information. This in turn, allows for rapid and deeper healing transformations.
In quantum physics, observational theory states that "function is affected in accordance with the information possessed by the observer." It is not just the act of observation that changes the healing outcome or phenomenon, but what is inherently contained within the observer themselves - a frequency of light.
In summary, the quality of the healer's gaze, depth of consciousness, and frequency of light can all impact the healing outcome. By working with a healer who has transmuted density to light and stabilized at high frequencies, a consistent and powerful healing space can be created, leading to more potent transmutation of darkness/density and a more profound healing experience.
How Light & Water Can Heal: My Theory of Fluidic Imprinting
The quantum realm is a field of dancing light. The light exerts subtle forces on the web, moving an shaping all biological processes, including our physiological functions. Up until recently, scientists did not understand the importance of light until recent discoveries revealed a fifth force of nature in the form of a super-light subatomic particle that is 30x heavier than an electron. This particle has a significant impact on the formation and alteration of solid matter i.e our bodies. Gradually science is accepting that light itself, affects us more deeply than we realise. So now that we've understoo the importance of light, where does water come in?
Water is probably the second most important molecule when it comes to healing.
Water has long been considered a medium for inducing expanded states of consciousness and a location of revelation across different religions and cosmological practices. This is reflected in the use of ritual washing, baptisms, ablution, and river worship. Water has a high capacity to absorb heat and when water molecules form, they adopt a tetrahedral geometry, forming a partial electric dipole that allows density/toxicity to dissolve and flow, reducing stagnation and elevating the vibrational frequency of tissues and the body.
Furthermore, our DNA is covered in water molecules (Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, 2011). The strength of the bond between the water molecules and our DNA determines not just the geometric structure but also the function of that DNA and how our bodies respond.
My CLIFF theory suggests that consciousness as light impacts fluidic imprinting, which infers that higher states of self-consciousness increase embodiment of high light frequency and increase healing potency and outcomes.
This affects the water in our body, effectively dissolving dense imprints, purifying cellular toxicity, and altering DNA structure and function.
This has significant potential applications in healing, teaching, and ensuring full recovery post-Covid, particularly through facilitation of the glymphatic network and fluidic drainage.
Embodied frequency of light reflects our consciousness and capacity to heal ourselves and each other. Teaching people how to access their inherent divine healing capacity through embodiment of light and illumination of darkness is a crucial part of the healing work I do at Kimiya Healing.
The Role of Consciousness and Embodiment in Energy Medicine Practice
The stage of consciousness and the depth of conscious embodiment and mind-body-spirit integration are crucial factors in determining healing methodology and outcomes in energy medicine practice. Patients at different stages of psychospiritual embodiment require appropriate tools and methods for healing. In Ken Wilber's model of consciousness, patients at a higher stage of evolution who value holistic thinking, integration of energies, and spiritual transformation are more likely to embody a higher frequency of light compared to those at an early egocentric stage who are focused on survival and materialism.
The path towards purity and embodiment of high-frequency light and healing potency is an internal journey of self-knowledge, inner clarity, depth of self-healing, and shadow illumination. Consciousness as a frequency of embodied light is the basis of all biological processes, reflected in spiritual paradigms and all religions. Water, a sacred medium, allows us to translate our own light frequency into health through intracellular fluid, detoxification, and DNA alteration.
I perceive consciousness as a frequency of light that is embodied within me, which I experience through my light body and heightened sensitivity to frequencies. It is a language that is limitless, expressive, and eternal, while also remaining a mystery, a teacher, a master, and a faithful servant. Through the expansion of my energetic awareness and embodied self-knowledge, my frequency of light has increased. Consequently, the healing process with me is rapid and profoundly transformative for my patients. My own healing journey and shadow work have been relentless and will continue to be so. The path of renewal, miracle, terror, and transformation has allowed me to embody ever-higher frequencies of light, culminating in an alive embodiment of “I AM THAT I AM.” Despite the conflicts, diseases, and disbelief prevalent in the world, the potential for healing remains ever-present, reflecting the genius and mercy of suffering, and the phenomenon of healing itself.

If you're seeking a healing journey that takes you deeper into your embodied frequency of light, then my program and online courses may be just what you need. As someone who experiences and understands consciousness through the light body, I have developed a profound sensitivity to frequency, and my own frequency of embodied light has increased as my self knowledge and energetic awareness expanded. This is possible for you too. Through my relentless journey of healing and shadow illumination, I have discovered the potential for profound transformation and renewal. And now, I want to share my insights with you.